Tribute Fund for James Kimpton Donate Fundraise Reaching the Unreached is the charity that James Kimpton founded and is his enduring legacy. His final and dearest wish was that Reaching the Unreached should continue to provide safety for orphaned and destitute children, now and in the future. 42 years after the founding of the first Children's Village, we care and provide education for around 850 destitute or orphaned children, from the very youngest through to those on the brink of young adulthood. Forty foster family groups live in small houses in four Children’s Villages, and there are also ten hostels for teenagers. Our schools provide an education for the children living in our care and also welcome children from the poorest local families, helping whole communities to receive life opportunities that will enable them to gain skills and qualifications to rise out of poverty. James always sought to respond to every human need he encountered and our work extends beyond the care and education of children to providing housing and clean water for rural families living in poverty and support for those who are vulnerable, sick and frail. We provide medical care, with clinics for all and specialist care for the ill and infirm; we have built more than 9,000 free village houses for homeless families and the elderly and drilled more than 2,500 wells, enabling remote villages and schools to have access to clean, safe water. Every area of our work is still relevant and urgent today. James transformed the lives of many through his dedicated and loving Christian service and devoted his life to the poorest villagers he lived among in South India. Please give what you can in tribute, to enable RTU to remember his life by continuing his vital work. On behalf of future generations of children and the poorest families whose lives you will be transforming, thank you. "It is my sincere and most earnest request that at my death I be buried in one of the Children's Villages. Let me remain among those I have loved and served since 1974, and who have truly loved me. Do not waste money on a coffin or other useless trappings. bury me, like the poor, in a cotton shroud. The same way we bury the children." Donate to the Tribute Fund for James Kimpton 3 Brother Manage Cookie Preferences