The inauguration of the JK Meditation Hall and news for October The JK Meditation Hall opens On 5th October, the first anniversary of Brother James Kimpton's death, the JK Meditation Hall built in his honour was inaugurated in the presence of friends and well-wishers from India, the UK and Australia. Brother James Kimpton’s niece, Mrs Margaret Davies, travelled from the UK to inaugurate the building; the Archbishop of Madurai, The Most Rev Antony Pappusamy, who was a good friend of James Kimpton was there to bless the memorial hall and light the lamp along with the dignitaries. A child from RTU, Vasumathi was part of that band of dignitaries. The choir Maestro Brother Robert with the able assistance of Ms Alagulakshmi of RTU and along with the children of RTU started the proceedings of the Holy Mass. The Bishop, while preaching, recalled the memories of Brother; his unassailable love for Mother Mary and undaunted faith in the Lord and His Providence. He concluded that whole of RTU is the product of the faith experience of Brother James Kimpton. After the Mass, many who knew Brother James, too many to list here, spoke of their memories of him. Brother Alvaro, former Superior General of the De La Salle Brothers, one of the great admirers of Brother, sent a video message as his own tribute. Some long-serving staff members who worked with Brother James for more than twenty years were honoured. Dr Oza, Fr. Sathyan and Mr Ian Brady of RTU-UK presented 30 extremely dedicated staff of RTU with certificates and medals. Finally, Father Antony thanked and gave gifts to all those who contributed to this commemorative structure. The felicitations ended with the RTU anthem and a sumptuous lunch was served to all. In the evening, a procession of children and staff made their way from the Meditation Hall to the main campus for the blessing of Brother James Kimpton’s statue. You can read a full account of this momentous day, and see more photographs, here. Blessing Saraswathi Another occasion this month was a celebration to bless Saraswathi- the Goddess of knowledge, music, art and culture - to bring successful education and careers for our children. All the children, teachers and foster mothers from our schools, Children’s Villages and hostels came together and joined hands with great enthusiasm. Two anniversary celebrations Sirumalar Children’s Village families and the girls in Hermann Hostel celebrated their anniversary days on 2nd and 21st October respectively with a colourful exhibition of their dance and drama talents. Practical support for our tailoring students Three 10th standard girls, Meena, Mutheeswari and Ilavarasi, recently completed a one-year Tailoring and Fashion Design course at St Anne’s Community College, Periyakulam. We have given each of them a sewing machine to help them become self-employed dressmakers. You can read more on our website about how we support our young people through college. Water for Miriam Children's Village As there is no water in the bore-well in our Miriam Children’s Village and attempts to sink new bore-wells have failed, we hope to be able to buy a tractor with a trailer and water tanker for around Rs 966,000 (about £10,000). This would allow us to transport water from our main G.Kallupatti site 6km away and thereby reduce the large expense of buying water for all the children and foster mothers in this Village. If you would like to support our work in this area and help us continue to provide clean, safe water to those in our care, please visit the water pages on our website. New village houses During October two houses were completed in V.Kurumpapatti village, and one at K.Kamatchipuram. RTU’s Director, Father Antony, lit the lamp in each newly occupied house – a safe home offering a new start for a poor, rural family. We are very happy to build and name a house with a commemorative plaque for supporters in memory of a loved one or in blessing for a special occasion. You can find out more here. Your support and help enriches the life of everyone in our care - each person we help is a tangible testament of your generosity. We do not have adequate words to thank you for being with us on this journey to help the most marginalised and disadvantaged people. Our hearts ever-remain overflowing with gratitude as with your invaluable help we continue the work of our founder, Brother James. Thank you. Yours fraternallyFr J Antony Paulsamy, OFM Cap. Secretary and Director Download a pdf of this newsletter. SIGN UP TO RECEIVE OUR NEWS Manage Cookie Preferences